"Mercy sees beyond its own pain and discomfort to the needs of others"
It definitely stuck in my head and rattled around
[ múrssee ]
- compassion: kindness or forgiveness shown especially to somebody a person has power over
- compassionate disposition: a disposition to be compassionate or forgiving of others
- something to be thankful for: a welcome event or situation that provides relief or prevents something unpleasant from happening
Synonyms: compassion, pity, clemency, forgiveness, kindness, sympathy, humanity, understanding, generosity, leniency, benevolence, forbearance, grace
It makes me wonder as I look at some of the people around me, would they be in less pain and discomfort themselves if they saw past their own noses? I know that I get wrapped up in myself and my own situation and forget to be merciful to those around me, I am as human as anyone else. But, I have had such good teachers through out my life to show me how to look around no matter what my situation is and to see that there are others who need my kindness.
I had a friend a few years ago, who told me something wise and valuable. She not only told me but she showed me how to put her words in to action. She told me that when you are feeling down, or having problems in your own world, the best thing you could do is to find someone around you who needs some kind of encouragement and find a way to do something for them in secret. She told me that it is amazing how much it can help YOU to do something for someone else and the biggest part was the doing it with out anyone knowing. Then, you just sit back and watch.
Through out my lifetime, I have watched my parents go through the loss of not one but 3 children, granted 2 of them were adults at the time but still, I saw them continue to reach out to those around them to be a light.
I watched both sets of my grandparents be some of the most giving people I have ever seen despite a lack of what most would call wealth, with no real thought for themselves.
I could go on and on to list the givers in my life but it would probably be uninteresting to anyone else who chose to read my blog.
As I sit here writing and thinking about how cranky I do get sometimes because I feel like my goal in life is to give as much as I can to those who need around me. Sometimes, I am human and DO want recognition for my efforts. I also know that I don't accept that recognition well when it DOES come along. I really DO try to care about people just because they need caring for. And I know that when I get outside my self, I DO feel better in every single way.
I am writing this from the yearly youth conference that our church youth goes to. I am watching the group of girls drift in and out of the room where we will be sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor. The group of giggly, wiggly, energetic girls and women. Over in the next building is a group of wiggly, smelly, energetic boys and men. The women and men who are here are selflessly giving of their time and talents to give this group of kids a place to be on at least this weekend. Besides hearing the Word of God, meant to encourage them in their lives, they will also be playing basketball, volleyball, football, showing off their art work, photography, writing, singing, instrumental talent, preaching and the final Bible quizzing meet. Mercy will be a great part of these next hours as these are teenagers with all the things that go with being teenagers in a group.
Earlier today, I was feeling very cranky, and put upon and wondering why I had committed to do this when no one really cared that much. But now that I am here........... Mercy!!!!!
Definitely some thought provoking thoughts...Mercy - what a wonderful thing that we can have...Loved reading this - something I will be thinking about for awhile...