Thursday, April 11, 2013

The End of an Era

Today was the last day to take pictures of this landmark for our town.  Tomorrow it is being taken down because it is unsafe.  This makes me very sad.  At least there will be pictures floating around. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Upcoming Graduation

     May marks the graduation from college of my second daughter.
     I wasn't living close enough to my oldest when she was planning her graduation so I didn't get to go take pictures.  We really missed that milestone with her because we were busy planning her wedding. 
    ( Plus, I didn't have the awesome camera that makes shooting pictures easy back then. I am so thankful to my hubby for buying that Christmas present for me.)

Anyway, my point today is that yesterday Thursday, we took a family outing to take Graduation pictures of 2nd for her to choose from to send out in her announcements.  We had a great time!!!  Besides the two of us, we had Grandma, Littlest brother and Son in law.  We drove around about a 10 mile radius of town to decide on fun, exciting and quaint locations to photograph.  I don't consider myself any kind of good at this but I do enjoy it.  The blessing in my photography is that I live in a very beautiful place and all of my children and grand children are photogenic. 

We took over a hundred shots but I will only share a few of my favorites of her here. 

What a weekend.

I have been thinking for several weeks that I am tired of my knees hurting.  I have had increasing trouble getting them to do what I want them to do.  I realize that I have put on just enough weight to make these things worse for my ankles and knees in particular, but it is not good for my body over all.  I am also having trouble with the way I feel about life in general.  Taking all of these things together as one unit instead of separate issues, I decided it was time to do something.  I also had to decide that I was tired of waiting for those around me to jump off this cliff as well.  Saturday was that day. 
After I got off work, and running a few errands, I headed for one of those places that I had never been before.  Yes, I went a place I had never been right in my back yard.  I put on my walking shoes, grabbed my camera, and headed up to the "foothills".  This was a place that the "kids" used to go back when I was a kid to party.   I wasn't that kid so I had never been there but hey, everyone should see the place. 

It came to my mind, even, because someone posted a comment on the facebook page about our home town saying how confused and disappointed this woman was because someone had discarded an aluminum storm door near this site. 
Really, people, What is the point.. this is a very long way from the road so while I guess in one of our wind storms it COULD have blown here, but I really doubt it.   What do you think? 

This is the location itself. 
 Some of my readers have seen the picture on my facebook page of what many of the locals refer to as "The Sleeping Lady"  (the mountain structure in the center of this picture.  This is a different view of that mountain form.  I really like the way this photo turned out. 

There are so many more pictures that I took on Saturday that will come in to other blog posts but for now this is the explanation for what I hope we can keep going in our family. 
By the way, for those of you in the "no pain< no gain" theory of life,  I can tell you that it took several hours and more than one dose of ibuprofen to get the legs to stop hurting enough to sleep Saturday night.  But there is a great deal of difference between pain and discomfort and this is the discomfort that will come with making those muscles and tendons do what I want them to do as each day goes by.