I haven't posted anything here in a while and there are people who, I am sure have their feelings kind of hurt from my lack of information in the recent past. Today, however, I will answer those questions. Keep in mind that things are still hectic enough that this is STILL the VERY short version of the last few months.
There are those who will complain that I talk a lot in this life about nonsense, you know who you are. But what those same people do not know about me, because there are very, very few who do know this, I DONT talk about hopes and dreams that ARE very important to me. I have learned two things in this life. 1) I don't have a lot of things others would consider to be "hopes and dreams" What happens, happens, and what does not does not. 2) The things that ARE important enough to me to fall in to that "hopes and dreams" category, tend to get ripped out of my hands at the last moment if I DO let others in on them.
Yes, there are those around me who will find that last paragraph to be sad, but I don't see it that way. I do, however, work as hard as I possibly can to help those around me achieve their own "hopes and dreams".
That being said, its time to finally talk about what has been going on around here for the last few months. It started with finally making the decision that the Feed Store had served its purpose over the last 50 something years and it was time for that to go away for the most part. So, we began downsizing it. We are still in the process of selling off inventory to finish paying the bills we have outstanding and my creditors are being very patient with me as that merchandise is not running out the doors very fast.
Max just began a job at a different store, after a struggle this summer to get a job and take care of his family. This has also turned out to be a great thing as he is loving his job and there is a great potential for growth for him there I believe.
We are still maintaining the water trucking business and are hoping to do some growing there as well. We have brought on board UHaul. My mother is taking much more of the reins there than she has before and is enjoying it, but she has also been freed up to go spend a month with her brother and sister in law, caring for her sister in law, post surgery.
Now for the BIGGEST part of the news. The end of July, ALL of our plans changed. For those of you who knew that Jonathan was considering retirement sometime the end of this year, yeah, well...... His last day at work for an almost 25 year career in the Border Patrol was August 10, 2013. He went in the beginning of August and told them, The end of the pay period is my last day.
The reason for the sudden change of direction has nothing to do with his health. Well, that may not be totally true either, but know that his health is very good at this moment and was NOT the cause of his decision.
The decision came because we were offered the opportunity to purchase the equipment from a local trucking company who's primary business has been hauling different kinds of fuel to and from El Paso. We opened out business checking account, and gave the owner the check for the amount required so now we own 3 semi trucks, 3 flatbed trailers, 2 gasoline tankers, and an asphalt tanker. The name of our new business is H S & D Transport Services, LLC. I will post pictures as the transformation takes place to move everything out to OUR yard.
So now you know why I have been quiet.
If you have any questions or comments, you know where I am.