Saturday, March 12, 2016


At the risk of sounding extremely cliché, Today is the first day of the rest of his life!!!!!

Some of us go through our childhood knowing where we want to be and what we want to do when we grow up.  Others of us have a more difficult time finding our way in life.  Five weeks of training that starts today and then one of those bright red trucks will be his home away from home. 

Its been a roller coaster since Thanksgiving, honestly.  Coming back from a year in Odessa.  Looking for options, Christmas and New Year's slowing it down and yet it has all happened so fast. 

January 11 the first day of truck driving school.  Every day, I watched him come home more and more excited.  Each day,  today I learned this and this.  Day after day, Mom, today my instructor told me I did this right and well.  I'm not positive now but I THINK on February 19 he had his last day of class. 

I was sitting at work and the phone rang.  It was for Sam.  I told them he was on his way home from his class and the person on the other end said "wait, what?  Back up.  On his way home from school?  You mean CDL school? " 
I answered, with a "Yes"
"When does he finish?" 

"Well, today is his last day of class, he takes his driving test tomorrow" 

"Have him call me if he is interested in starting a job on Monday.  We are starting orientation on Monday" 

That was the 22 of February.  Orientation was done and some time of waiting with baited breath, daily phone calls to the office and yesterday, he got word.  Your trainer has been chosen and will be ready to pick you up tomorrow. 

Final preparations were made, 3 more trips to the store to gather some last minute purchases and finally at 12:30 last night I told him we HAD to get some sleep so we could get up today and get him to El Paso to be ready to meet his "new best friend".

We chatted, we looked inside the new truck, loaded his stuff in and they let me out the gate.  I'm not really sure but his feet may just have been about 6 inches off the ground. 

See you in a few days, Son,  Cant wait to hear the stories. 


  1. YAY! I shared this with Bill and we are very happy for Sam and for you and your sweetie as well!!

  2. Thank you. We went and picked him up this afternoon for his "34 hour reset". Get some sleep, wash some clothes, buy some food for travel and back on the road again. Probably for 2 weeks this time. Its really a wonderful thing when you find the place you belong. Sadly there are so many people who just make do.
