Friday, June 29, 2012

Wants, Needs and Desires part 1

Several things have come up in my world lately that have made me thing about things like Wants and Needs and Desires.  I thought I would look up some definitions to start with and this is what I found.


Require (something) because it is essential or very important: "I need help now".

Circumstances in which something is necessary, or that require some course of action; necessity: "the need for food".

verb. want - require - demand - lack
noun. want - necessity - requirement - poverty - lack

What are our needs in life?  To a certain extent that is debateable.  Starting with

  • A roof over your head
  • Enough food and water to maintain your health
  • Basic health care and hygiene products
  • Clothing (just what you need to remain comfortable and appropriately dressed)

  • Then there is Maslows Theroy.

    Then there are those who add things like basic education or even college education in to the needs of life, transportation, usually of our own.  I even found a website called that helps provide low cost internet for people who dont have it because apparently internet is a basic need now. 
    I found another website by doing a google search for Needs... that said we have 5 basic needs that should be provided for in school specifically but also in life.  Those 5 basic needs are POWER, LOVE/BELONGING, COMPETENCE, FREEDOM AND FUN. 

    I will also comment that I am female, I do prefer feelings of security over danger and darning.  But I dont know that I think security is a basic right in the world.  I believe that security has to come from with in and from those you choose to surround yourself with for the most part.

    So it seems to me that basic needs can be examined from many different points in this day of relativism. 


    Have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
    A lack or deficiency of something: "houses in want of repair".
    verb. wish - desire - require - need - will - lack - like
    noun. need - lack - necessity - deficiency - poverty - shortage

    Wants seem to, also, be examined from many perspectives.  Some perspectives in society, might see watns more from an emotional point of view.  Our economic base in a consumeristic society might also be said to be driven by wants.  What would happen if we started only purchasing what we NEEDED, and put off our WANTS? 

    A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
    Strongly wish for or want (something).
    noun. wish - longing - craving - request - lust - will - want
    verb. wish - want - will - crave - like - yearn - long - covet

    In the synonyms for desire I am interested to find the word covet and the word lust.  Hummm are these things then, that we NEED? 

    I find it interesting that both Needs and Wants include in their synonyms Poverty.  I understand how in our list of NEEDS, something not being filled could put you in poverty, but if we have things in our list of WANTS puts in poverty, interesting. 
      In our day and age we also list necessity as a synonym for each word and they are listed as synonyms for each other.  So, according to current wisdom, let me get this straight, Wants and needs are synonyms for each other.  Hummm that explains so much about our current world and the view points of many I see.    
    I have heard from several people over the last week what their thoughts are on basic needs of life and how we get to those things.  This brings me to thoughts of my own wants, needs and desires in life. 
    As a friend of mine would say, its time for a list. 
    My needs: 
    1. I need a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. 
    2. I need to have the wonderful man who is my husband in my life.
    3. I need my children and family in my life. 
    4. I need a few good steady friends in my life
    5. I need a roof over my head. 
    6. I need clothing to wear generally appropriate for each season of the year.
    7. I need food to sustain my life to the best of my ability.
    I know there are those who would debate my point 1-4 as something that life can be lived with out, and they would be right, however I choose at this point to see them as necessary things to my joy of life.  Items 5-7, are true necessities.  I have a roof over my head.  It isnt what some of the people I know appreciate, but its all I need.  I have not the fanciest clothing, because generally speaking I am rotten at picking out clothing styles so I pretty much wear jeans, and t-shirts.  Walking shoes or boots go on my feet,  and once in a while sandals.

    The question for many in this day and age is how can you live happily with ONLY your basic needs being met?  I guess the answer to that for me is I CHOOSE to.  I have all I need in material things.  I have many more material things than I NEED to have, even.  With material things, thanks to inheriting a house full of my grandparents things, I have been blessed beyond measure and have many more things that should be moving on to someone who needs them much more than I do.  That is my goal at the moment.   That said: 
     The rest of my blessing is my husband and family.   My husband and my kids sitting around playing board games by candle light would be very satisfactory to me at any given time. As long as I had the people around me I care about a tent would be sufficient, truly. 

    I think moving on to my thoughts on the WANTS in this world needs to wait for another day.  Time to let needs soak in. 

    1 comment:

    1. I re read this post this morning as I was chewing on your post. I like your list, and number 1 is the most basic need we all have although many definitely disagree.

      I confess that your paragraph about playing games in candlelight make me think of the monsoon season an how much I love when we lose power...for this reason. I love playing mancala in the candle light with my goofs!!

      It is good to write and work things out...keep on writing friend!
