Friday, May 11, 2012

A Day at the Tucson Zoo


Going back through old pictures stored on my computer and I found all the ones I took at the Tucson zoo. That is a wonderful place, Just the right size for an outing. I had just gotten my camera for Christmas and was learning how to use it. The animals were amazingly interested in helping me try it out.
Elephants were having a great time trying to get their feed out of specially designed trash cans that they had to actually work for their food. I would imagine keeping elephants entertained is a major challenge at any zoo.
 One of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken.  I love "fuzzy lapies"  as my oldest daughter used to call them when she couldnt say llama.. They have pretty much  been fuzzy lapies ever since.
 Secretary Bird, I think.  I am pretty sure I need one of that kind of secretary.  Kid 4 says to deal with moms "bird brained schedule"
 I need THIS guy around my horse pens.  There are several aardvark fast food resturants that are HUGE nearby.  Several different flavors, I believe as well. 
 How very regal he looked.  He sat there just turning his head this way and that for "photo ops" for about 15 minutes for those who wished to photograph him.  What a colorful face.  I really would NOT like to meet him in a dark alley though.  We watched him later get the crew in line, 
 I have always wondered, if we humans eat enough shrimp, will WE turn such lovely colors?  I live in the desert and could not ever afford to fly in that much shrimp to try the experiment, I am afraid.. but if I ever win the lottery.. yep... you gonna see pink feathers on THIS girl.
 An albino peacock.. He was amazing.  We could never get him to spread his tail for us.  I wanted THAT picture. 

And to all.. a good night...


  1. Love your photos. When I win the lottery I'm gonna send you shrimp to see if you really turn pink! lol Love Ya...Can't wait to see more pictures of the terrain out your way...<3

    1. When you win the lottery you are going to MOVE to my terrain..hehehe or at least have a winter house here. I cant wait for July to get here!!!!
