From there we move to item of the day number two. A MASSIVE Garage Sale. It had een planned for yesterday but due to weather, we have actually postponed it till next weekend. This is a good thing because we went on with allowing people who came in to go a head and shop and then the other people who are planning to sell things also will be there next weekend, weather permitting.
So, what am I thankful for here? Abundance. This si a yard sale involving things that are still around from my grandparents that I honestly thought went to others who needed them about 7 years ago, there is the stuff we hauled down here from the mountain when we moved back down the valley way too many years ago for it to still be there. There are items from my daughter and her husband that have sat in storage also for several years, unused. My 2nd daughter and her husband brought items that were sitting unused in their house. My niece has items that she is unable to use at the moment as she is living in a very simple situation and those things are taking up space she does not have. Add to all of that are some items that we were left with from a previous customer. This has been the most amazing thing to look at all of these things, think of the history behind each item and then realize that someone else needs to use these things, but what I am most grateful for is that we have been so blessed as to have all of these items when we needed them.
Move on through my day past the yard sale and we have to race up to the pick up station for my Bountiful Basket delivery. I know that we are having a large group of family for Thanksgiving week so I knew I needed to stock up. It turned out to be more than I really expected but it will be used and appreciated by all who eat it.
Today will be a very busy day taking care of all of this as well as the things I already have in the fridge waiting to be taken care of as well. After church, here I go.
I am grateful for the abundance I have to provide for my family and make our times together "filling" in more ways than one.
That leaves us with our 2nd Amendment Right which also brings fun and family time in with the training and practice that is required in my mind if you are going to participate.
I don't have any photos of me shooting My new pistol because, ummmmm yeah, I'm not very good at it YET!!! But I will be shortly. I have a great teacher who will make sure I know what I need to know.
My abundance is overwhelming.