Day 6 for me, like for the rest of the United States of America was voting day. I had already 'early' voted on Saturday. We made a family trek of it over to the weekend polling place. I was excited and impressed because even here in our relatively small town, we had to wait in line. During the process, there was a woman who came with her young daughter and got in line behind us. I heard her tell one of the poll workers that she was not in line, just her daughter, as she had already voted. She politely waited just outside the area while her daughter completed the process and walked up to the machine to turn in her ballot. At that point, the mother brought out her camera and took pictures. This was the daughters first opportunity to vote!!! And they were both considering it a very proud moment. My son who is 19, almost 20 had voted before is "smaller elections" but this was his first presidential and I wished that I had taken the time to make it a memorial event for him in the same way. I also wished that I had thought of it for each of my older children as well.
Now here is the thing in contrast that makes me sad and frustrates me a great deal.
There are 207,643,594 eligible voters in the U.S. I cant find the confirmed statistic at the moment that gives an acutal number of voters who showed up at the polls or sent in ballots to vote, but I believe the figure was some where around 54% of the eligible population voted in this election. I have heard complaints back and forth of voter fraud, of people voting twice or three times by filing absentee ballots, and early voting and showing up at a polling center on election day. I have heard arguments that "not as much of that happened as the other side says" All the arguments being bandied about to stand for or against voter ID, and for or against absentee ballots. MY personal argument is that if we had 207,643,594 eligible voters showing up at the polls to do their civic duty, or at the very LEAST a number greater than 54% of the eligible voters showing up it would certainly be EASIER to recognize voter fraud in sheer number showing up!!! I do not believe that we understand the importance of standing up and making a decision for our elected.
Our country is a Representative Democracy. For those who dont know what that means, again on wikipedia: Representative democracy is a variety of democracy founded on the principle of elected people representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy.[1] For example, three countries which use representative democracy are the United States Of America (a representative democracy), the United Kingdom (a constitutional monarchy) and Poland (a parliamentary republic).
I just think that if you dont exercise your vote, your elected officials cant be accused of not following your wishes. You didnt tell them what your wishes were, so they voted with those whom they knew. You also cant elect people who share your views if you dont vote.
So, the end of my election thoughts go back to, Thank you God for birthing me in a country that gives me the right to vote for my governing officials and constitutional amendments etc. I will do my best to live up to the responsibility You have placed on me.
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